Tod Huetet Uebel (Prt) interview

Welcome to the pages of SvbterraneanTenebris. Please let's start the interview with your past. How did you form TodHuetetUebel. Did you play anywhere else before?
DANIEL C. - Hello. Yes I’ve had other bands prior to creating TodHuetetUebel; they never got too far. TodHuetetUebel was another attempt in trying to create some music, this time with the experience acquired from the past efforts. After the release of the first EP I realized that it was a solid project and I started to set goals.

I already got your releases from my Portuguese friend Nuno, but if someone doesn't know your music yet, how would you like to recommend THU?
DANIEL C. - Whoever likes unpredictable and blasting blackmetal with demented vocals will probably enjoy our music.

I think that Portugal didn’t create too much true bands through the years or just remained nameless for underground. How do you see the Portuguese scene? Which band/bands would you like to recommend to the readers?
DANIEL C. - For many years I ignored the Portuguese metal scene due to the general weak musicianship and/or creativity. And the so called “trues” are the most uninspiring to listening to. But there is quality and in recent years I’ve seen things evolve for better. There are many acts I enjoy such as: Vaee Solis, Concealment, FiliiNigrantiumInfernalium, Monte Penumbra, Onirik, Infra, Lux Ferre, Grog, Névoa, Pestifer, Theriomorphic and the excellent, extinct, Sirius.
MARCOS M. – The Portuguese scene has greatly evolved in recent years, although excellent releases have always been present – in thenineties names such as Angrenost, Decayed and Thormenthor debuted work still relevant to this day. Adding to the names already cited, there are others I find myself returning to – ArsDiavoli,  Colosso, The Ominous Circle, The Firstborn and Neoplasmah to name a few, spanning through different genres. Portugal has a lot to offers be it Death or Black metal, with a polished or raw production, everyone will find something that would meet their taste.

TodHuetetUebel is a very interesting name. From where does it come from? Your music was created first and then the name or the name was first and then you created music around it?
DANIEL C. - It’s an AnaalNathrakh song featuring Rainer Landfermann. Some songs were already created when I chose that name. I think it fits and I enjoy the fact that is not a catchy name at all. 

As I know THU is only a duo. Who writes music and who writes lyrics? Is it team work or approached individually? Some of your lyrics are English and some are Portuguese. What is the cause of that?
DANIEL C. - I create the music first and then Marcos defines the theme, writes the lyrics and does all the vocals.
MARCOS M. - As stated by Daniel, he handles the instrumental aspects of our work, while I approach the lyrics, concept and vocal work. The concept doesn't appear after the music, it’s something we develop and discuss through our daily life. The option to include EN and PT lyrics is solely based on the fact that these are languages I am familiar with. Other languages may be employed in the future.

Do you plan to invite members in the near future and play live shows or do you want to remain a duo and a studio band?
DANIEL C. - The intent of TodHuetetUebel was never to play live. It’s a studio project where we explore and transform the darker side of our thoughts and life into music. It’s very personal and with a unique intensity, not intended to be replicated. Also, the philosophy of our act resides in nihilism and the absence of egos. Acting for a cheering crowd doesn’t fit this logic. But I can’t refuse that idea. In the near future it won’t happen due to professional commitments and all the logistic needed, but someday it might make sense bringing this experience to the stage. 
MARCOS M. - Following on Daniel's words, if we would ever approach the concept of a live act, it wouldn't be mainly directed to the musical aspect. It would be a display of what we stand for, we've discussed some ideas, and it would be akin to a live art performance, interdisciplinary and not castrated by the boundaries of musical expression.

I think that no exaggeration to say that your band is one of the best band nowadays along with for example the rising Icelandic scene. From where do you get your inspirations both musically and lyrically to create this amazing work?
DANIEL C. - Is the Icelandic scene still rising? Apart from Svartidaudi and a couple more bands, I think many people there are getting on board just because of the hype. And that will soon kill it. 
I don’t know if it’s the best. Just prior to the Icelandic scene turning up I found Poland to have the greatest BM acts (LTWB especially) and no one talked about it. It’s all hypes.
About TodHuetetUebel being one of the best around, you’re all set for disappointment haha. Lately I’ve been more and more tired and exhausted with everything and the next releases might reflect that. That’s the inspiration for the next releases. Boredom and fatigue about everything. 

Death itself is the foundation stone of SvbterraneanTenebris. How do you think about death?
DANIEL C. - Death will come. To all. It’s the ultimate relief from the pain of existence. But I don’t romanticize about it. I don’t think too much about it. We are all in this agonizing waiting line until the arrivalof the unknown. 
"It is Death that consoles yea, and causes our lives 
'Tis the goal of this Life and of Hope the sole ray, 
Which like a strong potion enlivens and gives 
Us the strength to plod on to the end of the day. 

And all through the tempest, the frost and the snows, 
'Tis the shimmering light on our black sky-line ;
'Tis the famous inn which the guide-book shows, 
Whereat one can eat, and sleep, and recline ;

'Tis an angel that holds in his magic hands 
The sleep, which ecstatic dream commands, 
Who remakes up the beds of the naked and poor ;

'Tis the fame of the gods, 'tis the granary blest, 

'Tis the purse of the poor, and his birth-place of rest, 

To the unknown Heavens, 'tis the wide-open door. "

 "The Death of the Poor" by Charles Baudelaire

Please introduce all of your releases with a few words. How do you got in contact with CavernaAbismal Records? Are you satisfied with the label's work? “Malicia” originally released by Russian Possession Productions on CD and then again on CD and later on K7 by CavernaAbismal or it was just a plan that never happened?
DANIEL C. - First release: Morte e Caos EP. I did it alone, more on the raw side of blackmetal.A pure misanthropic manifest.
Second release: Malícia full length. Marcos took all the vocal work and lyrics. It followed some of the ideas of Morte e Caos.
Third and most recent release: N.A.D.A. EP. A change in the theme. More about existentialism. Musically wise the first track it’s a reworked old song and the second track it’s a journey through a demented and sick mind.
The contact with CavernaAbismal Records was regarding the release of Malícia in tape format. It all started with that. Nuno is a professional and honest guy. He respects the musicians work and always puts the band interests first. He has an exquisite taste for metal and does a brilliant job.
Possession Productions has indeed released Malícia but we do not support that release due to some upsetting events.

First full length 'Malicia' contains 7 songs but without titles only signed by roman numbers (that isn't in line). What was the conception of that album?
MARCOS M. - The artwork, music and lyrics, are all part of one concept and one will, and that is to be attained by the reader/listener. The titles wof the tracks are not random. “Malícia” is Portuguese for Malice, a term that is defined as “desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another” or “intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse”.  The concept of "an unlawful act" remains weaved within a dichotomy of what is lawful and what is not, what is good and what is vile, and who determines this? The lyrics are open to interpretation, and the reader will permeate a clear narration and development of ideas through these. Is the entity on the cover a representation of the Zeitgeist, or is it a manifestation of something else? Is this being the narrator? Choose whatever you wish - look around you - Malice is not decided by either of us, "it" simply IS manifest.

Do you know anything about Hungary?
DANIEL C. - I’ve never been in Hungary or met Hungarian people. Apart from futile trivia like knowing Hungarian personalities like Attila Csihar, George Szell, Franz Liszt, Balakov, Yordanov or the recent news about closing the borders for refugees I don’t know much about Hungary history or heritage.

How did the underground scene receive your music? What was the feedback for your releases until now?
DANIEL C. - We’ve had nice feedback especially with Malícia. There has been some honest nice reviews out there also.

Your music has progressed a lot since your last release. The sound on N.A.D.A. is excellent. You have a greater experience in studio or the studio work has did any other guy than before?
DANIEL C. - The sound of N.A.D.A. is cleaner. You find that a progression but I don’t. Malícia could have had that clean sound but I chose not to. I find that almost all the metal releases to be quite sterile with an almost white noise like distortion and lacking low frequencies. In the 90s all the black metal production was really thin and with hyped high frequencies. So I did the opposite. Lots of lows and reduced highs. It was an aesthetic choice. It still has enough clarity to be well perceived. Plus it fits the oppressive ambience and the general feeling of the music. If you’re talking about the drums I can agree with you, it’s better now, specially the blastbeats. And I do everything in my home studio yes.

Spread your chaos towards readers...
DANIEL C. - Whatever you do, keep in mind that it’s irrelevant. We are nothing.

The interview supposed to published at Svbterranean Tenebris fanzine, but remained unrelased 'till TOTMB #6