
From 2017 we organize fanzine release parties when a new issue is come out. Here are the flyers of our previous gigs:

Tales of the Morbid Butchers #5 release party vol. I.
Date: 22.09.2017, Budapest
Bands: Ahriman, Paediatrician, Mörbid Carnage, Ygfan, Türböwitch

Tales of the Morbid Butchers #6 release party vol. II.
Date: 17.11.2018, Budapest
Bands: Tulsadoom, Terrörhammer, Krampüs, Aornos, Kill With Hate, Apoptosis

Tales of the Morbid Butchers #7 release party vol. III.
Date: 19.09.2020, Budapest
Bands: Molis Sepulcrum, OS, Devil Seed, Gutted, Hold