Rotting hails for the horde of Uttertomb! Thank you for accepting the interview! How many interviews have you done since the forming of the band? Did you answer all of the requests? There are some musicians who just rarely answer for interviews, what’s your opinion about this mentality?
SS: Salutes, thanks for the interest. Probably we have done more than 10 interviews, and all of them were answered. At the moment there are not inferior or stupid interview answered, but if it were someone who’s asking cliche things and questions with no sense and lack of originality, then we’ll not answer it. So, if some people doesn’t want to answer interviews, I don’t care...It’s their decision, so it’s ok.
How do you feel when someone from a distant country is interested in your band? What’s your first thought about that?
SS: Personally, I never thought about an interview coming from Turkey, it’s very fascinating to me thinking about how you come to us, I’m a bit curious though...First impression: Interesting.
How’s the things going in Chile these days? Have the living standards increased lately? Are you satisfied with your government? There was a marxist government in the 70’s. Do you have any memories about that? Do you even care for politics?
SS: Well, nothing out of the normal living, and when I say normal living, you can see poverty, misery, two-face people in politics, betrayals, anger, etc. The living standars remains the same as I can see, awful. About the marxist goverment you have a lot of literature of that, I didn’t lived that, but the consequences about that time are still present here nowadays. Yes, I care about politics, but it’s frustating to see the same faces and problems...
After this short intro go on for the dark art of Uttertomb! Who formed the band and when? Is that true that you started under the name Ultratomb? Uttertomb sounds better anyways.
SS: I formed the band in 2009. I share your opinion, Uttertomb sounds better of course, and has more sense to us and sounds less generic than ´´Ultratomb´´. We changed it for obvious reasons...
You call your music Necrological Death Metal. Can you explain me what that means? Is that necessary to make that difference?
SS: Yes it is. When we say ´´Necrological´´, means that we are more into the study and comprehension of Death, so we are not taking the lyrics in a superficial way. Some lyrics deals with rituals, psychological points of view, fantasies, physical death and even history, so every word it’s well thought before writing it.
Your first appearance was entitled ”Advance Promo”. Did you record this under the old name or the new one? What should we know abouot this demo? What kind of responses did you recive for that? How many copies were made? To which countries did you send that material? Did you send any for labels or ’zines?
SS: Both. It’s a miserable Cd-r demo with and indecent piece of paper with 3 songs recorded in a very low-fi way (We had no money instead). The Uttertomb version comes with an insert limited to 50 copies with the lyrics. The response was good as I heard, besides the production of the Cd-r of course. There were like 50 copies or something of the Ultratomb version, and 50 of the Uttertomb version. I didn’t sent to any label or zine, except to Apocalyptic that I give to A.G (Apocalyptic Goat) as a gift. I’m not proud of that material...
In 2012 you have released your next issue under the name „Necrocentrism”. It was released by Apocalyptic Prod. in 500 copies. That’s a genious material, I am really into that kind of death metal. Your first demo is also available on this issue. Why? You didn’t have enough tracks? It’s a four-track material (plus intro).
SS: Well, we had a couple of songs that we had not recorded because they were not well worked, and we wanted to do an Ep at first, so 4 songs + Intro was enough for us. And of course we wanted to record in a good way the songs of the demo, so we did Necrocentrism as you can see it.
What should we know about Apocalyptic Prod? Tell us something for the Hungarian audience!
SS: One of the best and serious labels in Chile. Get in touch with them to obtain some of the most killer stuff made in Chile!!!
Did you re-record the old songs for the CD? Weren’t you satisfied with the old recording? What’s your opinion about the bands which re-record their classic albums with modern sound and say that the old records wasn’t sounding good enough. What’s the point in this?
SS: As i said before, yes.
With the title „Necrocentrism” I think you are dealing with the topic of death. What does death mean for you? How do you write about death in your lyrics? Is there any philosophocal approach or the simple way of death metal?
SS: Death means everything, in every aspect of life you can see it, even if you force that vision you can found it in each thought, each action, each that’s Necrocentrism, the death is the center of everything and we live to avoid it, to learn from it, to reach it, etc. That’s the dogma of Uttertomb basically.
Do you believe in getting on touch with the dead?
SS: Yes.
Does that state of mind exists when you kill yourself with happiness? It’s considered a weak-hearted action, but I think that’s not true for every case. What do you think of that? Do you belive in afterlife?
SS: Happiness it’s just another emotion. If you think you are weak for have emotions, you are a cunt who thinks that you are superior, but you have red blood like all, so people who think that, lives in a world of fantasy, because every person has felt something since it’s born. I believe in afterlife, but i’m still discovering new thoughts.
Your music has a really horroristic atmosphere. Do you like horror movies or do you prefer books? Which are your favourites? Does horror belong to death metal?
SS: Both. I don’t have any favourites right now, but the classics of horror of course in both formats. I understand the thought about ’’horror-death metal relationship’’, and there are very good bands who practice that. It’s not for me, but it’s really cool to hear some Horror Death Metal bands with gory stuff like Revolting for example.
What’s your oppinion about death metal bands that has left the original lyrical themes? Do you insist on to the traditions? Are you open-midnen for the new ideas or do you prefer the original forms?
SS: I don’t like that, unless the change of the lyrics it’s interesting and change the band in a very good way, like Morbid Angel for example in some ways. I’m very open-minded, but has to be a reason to change, and if I don’t like the main reason, I will don’t like the change.
Death metal has many subgenres. Which one do you prefer? Do you like mindfucks like Origin? As i have heard on Necrocentrism, you won’t become a modern death metal band with sterile sound, but there were some bands who did. What do you think of these?
SS: No one. If it’s real Death Metal with sense to me, it’s ok whatever subgenres it’s called. I don’t care personally about modern death metal band or old school or whatever, I just i’m focused on my own band and concept, if some band wants to have a modern sound, it’s ok, but I only hope in some situations that they keep the lyrics, concept and aura at least. If that doesn’t happen, to me it’s just souless music with no reason to exist.
I think death metal, or metal in general should have a kind of dirty sound to keep metal wild. Of course, there are some band when modern sound is needed like last album of Emperor or Arcturus. What’s your opinion?
SS: In relation as I answered before, of course sound it’s important to give the certain atmosphere to express all and to understand what the band is saying, no matter if it’s dirty or modern. Sound must be in a very intimate communion with lyrics and concept. I appreciate more a band who has something to say that a band who cares more about sound. If the composing is good, no matter what you sound, the composing will be superior and will prevail over the sound.
You have released a split in 2013 with Death Vomit (Chile). What should we know about this material? Did you record new songs for this? Are there any old songs which hasn’t been released yet? Tell us some about Death Vomit, make them some promo!
SS: It’s a 6 song split released in Pro-tape and Cd-pro. All of them are new songs with some intros. Death Vomit it’s a band of Curico in the vein of Carbonized, Merciless, Unleashed, Megaslaughter who practices a very fast and violent death/thrash metal. Soon there will be a release by Xtreem Records of a LP of them called ’’Gutted By Horrors’’. Beware!
How often do you do gigs? Do you like being on stage? What do you think of audience getting wild and going on stage? Do you tolerate this or you don’t let the audience go on stage? Personally I like going on stage with musicians and making the audience wild but there are some bands who don’t like that.
SS: Like each 3-4 months. Yes, being on stage represents the true skills and value of a band beyond the good sound of a studio recording, represents the real aura and pressence of a band. About audience on stage it depends what band is playing, as I can remember at some good thrash gigs here, there’s a lot of wildness and violence on stage and that was ok, but when some guys come on stage in the not appropiate situations, i really don’t like that.
Tell us about the underground in Chile! What are the bands, labels, fanzines worth looking after? Who do you suggest? Are there any men or band not to cope with?
SS: In my opinion, without being chauvinistic, the UG in Chile it’s world class level, you have in all types of metal very authentic bands and guys who has balls to do something interesting and not being a copycat. I can recommend you Wrathprayer, Attacker Bloody Axe, Axe Battler, Ancient Crypts, Putrid Evocation, Force of Darkness, Miserycore, Communion/Chainsaw, Slaughtbbath, Unaussprechlichen Kulten, Terror Strike, Mental Devastation, Demoniac, Death Vomit, Godless, Black Grail, Ejecutor, Praise The Flame, etc etc etc. And some zines like Noise and Shit, Apocalyptic, Ponzoña, Hail to Cruelty and a few others that deserve to be looked...
What are your plans with the band?
SS: To continue composing some hymns in the same way that we pretend to do. Now we are composing for a conceptual 7” which will be released when everything it’s in order to materialize it. That’s it...
Thank you for the answers, I hope I wasn’t too boring. Wishing you succes and keep the black flame of oldschool death metal alive! SALUTE NECROLOGICAL UTTERTOMB!
SS: Thank you for the inquisition. Get in contact interested people! Salute!
Necrological Death Metal
Interview by Dr. A.