Laura Hella (Thornspawn, Maledictvs) interview

Hailz to you Laura in the pages of Tales of the Morbid Butchers fanzine. Thanks for accepting my request for this interview. Do you answer to all interview requests or you are selective? What did you think when I first asked you to make a discussion with you? Do you answer to interviews gladly?
Darkest Blessings to all demons, witches, war mongers and Satanic Terrorists around this putrid planet. To be honest I have just recently begun to answer interviews. I am very selective as to whom I give my thoughts and time in answering any type of interogation. After talking to you a bit and seeing your interest and knowledge of my activities I made the decision to partake in your vile pages of your zine. 

You mentioned to me, that you played live in Columbia with Thornspawn and Maledictvs this spring. How was this tour, how did it turn out and what experiences you gained during it? It is known, that you play in both bands. How do you do with it, is not it very tireing or stressful?
That is correct we toured both Colombia and Ecuador for 7 dates of Anti Christian Terror. The experience and the support from the fans to the local opening acts was amazing. I truly enjoyed on and off stage times I spent conversating and partaking in ritual necromancies. That is correct I played in both Thornspawn and Maledictvs, and I can say that it was a very, very tiring and stressful experience. But I would do it all over again....the masters gifts are bountiful. 

Approximately how many live performances you have in a year? Do you like to play live? Is it hard to harmonize your daily work with the tours or it’s not really a problem? Have you had any invitations from Europe or not yet? I guess you would come here to play, though it would not be easy financially. Morbosidad played here in Hungary some years ago, they performed 3 gigs here. It was unforgettable.
I am also very selective and particular as to when I decided to perform in live assaults. I do enjoy of course to unleash hell and perform live, but it is best to be exclusive as not to just do a show. I am in no desperation to play live just to play live. My live invokations are more than just a live show, they are ritual murders.....incarnate. I being a Doctor in my daily work and also owning my own business it really is not a problem to do tours. We are actually playing at Under the Black Sun Festival in Berlin in June 2016, I hope to see you there my friend. This band you speak of is irrelavent to myself or Maledictvs-Thornspawn, we only care to support those that live this in a true way of life, not just a weekend warrior fashion...enough said. 

When you play live, do you watch performances of the other bands or you rather hide in the backstage? Maybe you go crazy with the audience in front of the stage? Do you like to talk with your fanatics after the gig? Do you prepare yourself with drinking alcohol?
I of course travel such long distance that it would be foolish and rather stupid to just hide like some worm in the back. I join forces with the maniacs and crush my skull upon the stage/altar of death in support of seeing bands from the countries I visit. That is one thing surely that we always and constantly talk with all fans and metal heathens, if it wasnt for them we wouldnt be in these new lands. I drink some yes, but I stay focused and perform in a professional manner. After my duties are complete then the alcohol will flow like an ever flowing stream. 

What is your opinion on bands who shit on their audience and behave in a butt way in general? I know that on a longer term fanatics can be tireing and exhausting for musicians, though it is always good for them to talk with their favourite bands or make a picture with their members.
Those scum that feel they are some type of rock star attitude and shit on fans are idiots. If it wasnt for those fans that are present at show they wouldnt be performing on stage. Even if I am exhausted I always make time for all fans, I will not leave until every picture is taken and every fan has our merch, if they ask for it. It is the least I can do, giving them my full attention before and after the show. 

If you are not against it, now I turn the discussion into a more personal way. First, I want to discuss you a rather touchy issue. Many think that women have no place in metal bands. I completely disagree with this way of thinking! What is your opinion about it? Have you had some problems because of it? What negative and positive experiences you had in connection with this?
This topic has been a bit over done in the few interviews I have done. So I will state again what I state all the time. Those that have some fuckin issue with women in extreme metal are but intimidated by us, easy as that. They can have their views, no matter how fuckin stupid it might be. But in the end my personal performance shuts their fuckin mouths when I am possessed on stage by the invincible power of Satanas!

Let’s go back in time and talk about your first encounter with Metal music. What were the first things that grabbed your attention towards it? I like to listen or read stories when people are thinking back to their roots. For me the most important was it’s untamed wildness, noisiness and energy that took me into these other spheres.
As a young woman I remember the first time I listen to Venom, Bathory, Hellhammer, Dark Throne, Funereal Moon. I knew when I first heard these bands that I wanted to continue this for an eternity. I had found my refuge from all the mundane world. Though my father thought I was mad listening to this music, he would burn all my metal shirts, instruments, music, etc,etc. I still stood strong in my beliefs and this day my father sees my success as a musiciain, painter, doctor and finally sees my strength and power. 

When did you start playing music and who had an effect on you to start it? What was the first song that you learned to play? On what musical instruments are you able to play? Were your parents supportive or they tried to stop you in making this? For example, my father rejected me after I seriously got into Metal, we are not in a good relationship since then but I am not really interested.
I had wanted to learn to play guitar/bass by my uncle but my father forbid it and my uncle declined my request. My first song I learned was Hellhammer-Messiah, it was a simplistic yet powerful riff that to this day speaks to me in great volume. As I mentioned above my father was completley against my metal obsession, we had many arguments. My mother did support me though and to this day I thank her for this. 

Actually you are active in 3 different hordes, they are Thornspawn, Blackhell and Maledictvs. Have you played in other bands prior to these ones? If yes, can you tell us about them?
My first band I was in was Dark Evocation, I played key boards for them. Though after a while the band had inner problems and I also was focusing on my career as a Doctor. I decided to focus on my studies and personal life. 

The artillery of Tornspawn was formed not long after your husband Blackthorn summoned Absu. Have you already known him at the time? As far as I know you got to the band in 2011, why only in that year? Whose idea was it to join to this band?
Blackthorn started Thornspawn back in 1993. But has nothing to do with the band Absu. They are long time friends for many years and Proscriptor did assist in creating some intro/outro for Thornspawns Wrath of War release. I did not know my husband at this time, but only knew of his band. And I joined Thornspawn as live session bassist for a show Thornspawn had with Hacavitz (mexico). Blackthorn actually asked me to assist him for just this live show as he didnt want to cancel coz the others in the band were not able to make the show at last minute. Ever since then he uses session members, as he doesnt confide in anyone, except me of course. 

Can Maledictvs be considered as your own band? Introduce this horde to us. While Thornspawn is a brutal, barbaric Black Metal assault, Maledictvs is a more traditional band following the way of the classic scandinavian bands with a negative conception. Do you agree with me? Which band is closer to you and why?
Hella is Maledictvs, Maledictvs is Hella. Both bands have their own identity of course, as each one of us (Blackthorn and I) have our own personal morbid vision. Maledictvs is of course closer to me since it is my creation, and of course it much more on a personal level because I create everything. 

Your first material was a split with an ukrainian band Moloch and a mexican horde Lost In The Shadows. What could you tell us about this split, what were the principles when the bands were chosen for this collaboration? Is it enough for a split release to simply like the music of the other participants or there has to be a stronger connection like knowing each other personally?
This split was a stepping stone for Maledictvs actually. I not being familiar how labels worked or how splits were formed I simply went along with the said plans. Many years later I understand that one must be completley in support of each band you decide to form a split with. Letting labels decide this for you is nonsense and I will never let that happen again. 

How were the feedbacks for this material and what kind of releases did it have? To what points of the world it arrived to your knowledge?
The feedback was a positive one, as I said before it was simply a stepping point for Maledictvs. I am aware that reached to many parts in Europa, N. America and even S. Africa!!

In my opinion Moloch makes a little bit too much of materials. Obviously, that is his own business but what is your opinion about the fact that he has new materials almost every month? As a similar example, I could mention Nunslaughter too.
I am not really a fan of Moloch or really follow his massive releases, but I dont think they have much substance or feel. Its just releasing material just to release it, no real feel just rehashed material that all sounds the same. But this is only my opinion.....

There is a video on youtube, something that seemed to me as some kind of a riport material with the title Maledictvs Satanismo en su Máxima expresión. What is this all about?
It is only some scum hater talking shit about me and my band. I dont really know much about it as I dont waste my time on pathetic worms as this. 

In the same year (2011) you released an EP with the title Lord of Darkness on which 2 songs can be heard. Tell us everything that you consider important about this material as well!
This Ep I decided to release for those that were not able to obtain the split or simply didnt want the split for the other two bands. It was a form to spread Satanic propaganda to all supporters of Maledictvs.

Are there intentionally such few information on your other horde Blackhell or it is just a coincidence? So far one demo has been released. What are your plans with this project? I liked its musical world more, it’s more ancient and more direct than Maledictvs.
Black Hell was created by Blackthorn and I when we moved from Texas to Mexico. We released a demo and have accumalated many songs but have not recorded anything due to our studio was broken in to about 2 yrs ago and much stuff was stolen. Though its clear that Black Hell will never release a full length, split or anything of that nature. We wish to exactly remain its ancient roots feel to it and that is only releasing material in this formats. I think this year we will release another demo, when we return from Germania. 

How is the Black Metal scene in Texas, how was it in the old times and how it is now? What bands are recommended to check from the older ones and what would you recommend from these days? With who are you in contact? In Texas Thornspawn and Absu were pioneer bands who played Black Metal. Were there any other bands besides them in that time?
The Black Metal scene in Texas is of no real interest to us. There are maybe a handfull of bands we support from this part of the USA. The old times were very special of course but that was over 20yrs ago, to long ago to remember these times that will never return. OLD Bands to check out from Texas are NECROVORE, ROTTING CORPSE, BLOOD SPILL, INCEST, HAWKRIDER, PENDULUM, INDIGNATION, CRUCIFIX, DARK REIGN, IMPRECATION, MAGUS, BAEL OCCULTUS, DEATH TRIPPER, HELL DOGS, DEVASTATION, MYRMIDON, KATHONIK. 

Do you know any Hungarian bands or maybe is there anyone from here with who you have a contact? Have you heard about any Hungarian bands in the 90s around your terrirotry?
To be honest I have not, but would be very interested to hear more!!! Anyone may contact me with this please....

What do you think about the works of the following bands: Krieg, Leviathan, Twilight, Nachtmystium, Draugar, Lurker Of Chalice. 
Leviathan is genius, Krieg is great.......

Are you interested in nowadays underground, do you pay any attention? Do you like to find new bands or you rather listen to the old ones? What is that actual trend within the metal genre, from which you could throw a vomit? For me they are deathcore and metalcore band, though it is disgusting that there are annual trends always, what actually lands in the dustbin after a short time. I think this can be also attributed to big labels in this or that way.
There are many new bands that are always coming out of course I keep a close eye on the underground these days. There are some new bands that have my full support like NECROVULVA, NEKKROFUKK, AIMA, DEUS IGNOTUS, AD BACULUM, RUIN, SICK RITES, BLASPHMACHINE, BODE PRETO, NECROHOLOCAUST, WEREGOAT, CRURIFRAGIUM, REVENGE, KINGDOM, LORD OF DEPRESSION, 

I saw several pictures of you at your facebook profile and I have to say that besides you are very nice, your outlook may seem pretty wild for ordinary people. Your body is covered with several tattoos, what motives have you chosen to be inked to your skin? When did you make your first tattoo? Does it have any spiritual concept or it’s just an extreme hobby? Do you remember when you had the idea first to make a tattoo? Was it the result of an alcoholic evening or you were sober and decisive when you made it?
To be honest I just begun my journey in tattooing myself. I always wanted to dwell in the ritual scarification and rite of passage but could not take this step because of my studies and career as a Doctor. But now that I have finished this chapter of studies and I am my own boss I can now begin this process. I started with my first tattos about 2 yrs ago, but I didnt start with one tattoo I went extreme and decided to cover my entire arm in several sessions! All my tattoos were original designs created by me, and hold a specific and personal meaning for me of course. All my tattoos are not created in some drunken night of stupidity, they are all part of my journey a larger scale of my will. They were always there within my flesh, ready to be born and set free for the world to see. 

Human race like to judge according to their first impression. I guess you had to face with some problems because of that, am I right? Is an extreme outlook accepted there or not really? If you go to an interview for a job, are they decide according to your knowledge or your looks play an important role in it as well?
I actually have dealt with this all my life. For some strange reason I have always been a sort of enigmatic person. I have noticed years ago that where ever I may be or where ever I may go, when I enter a room everyone turns to look at me. And this is not just dressed in some metal extreme way, but in normal professional clothes as a Doctor. It is strange that my aura is something that stops people in their tracks. I have not gone to a job interview in many, many years that I cant recall. But I am sure that my education, demeanor speaks much louder than my apperance. 

Your appearance on stage is also fairly extreme, though it is not that surprising in our days. Do you alwas use spikes, leathers and chains on stage and do you insist on using them? Were there any examples when you could not use these because of some idiotic reasons? What does this warrior way of clothing mean to you? I believe, that this also has some kind of a spiritual aspect, an entrance to another dimension.
I have always used these impliments of hell as they assist to add in the mood of summoning the horned one and prepare for unholy invokation. To perform live is an extension of who I am on stage so it is always necessary to have this armor. In a way it is a cryptic form that leads to a disembodied levitation, to channel with the unclean spirits and becoming one with the night. 

Do you consider yourself satanist? Do you follow any particular teachings of someone or you crafted your own faith from several different sources? It is not compulsory, though it would be great to share your visions on this issue! Did you have any serious troubles or conflicts with any organized religious group or sect? Were there any examples when someone wanted to proselityze you on the streets with violent methods?
If I can not give myself to a practice as a Satanist does, I could never call myself something I can not give myself to entirely. I am a researcher and student of the dark arts that intakes much knowledge and energies from vast dimensions. Knowledge is power, power is might there for I am one with the night......

I know it’s a question that was asked so many times before but what is your opinion on the norwegian scene? As an outsider, what is your opinion on church burnings and murders that happened in the early 90s? Nowadays, Black Metal is a nationally acknowleged presence in Scandinavia. The great old ones are considered now not as wild animals who should be chased but recognized as artists. What is your opinion on that?
Norway and its artists have been an important death strike for the movement against all false white light hood religions.

What is your opinion on the current happenings and issues in the world, like terrorism, genocides, pollution? Do you believe, that with the elections in a democratic state the will of the nation prevails? Personally, I don’t believe in this. What is your opionion on that? Do you pay attention to these topics or you don’t waste your time on it and only deal with the things that you really like and try to enjoy your life until it lasts?
All hypocrisy over religion, politics, terrorism, etc,etc are but worms eating at your brain. I worry and concentrate on my folk, I prepare myself daily armed to the teeth ready to defend my own.....

How long do you want to live? Is it possible that one day you will end your life with your own hands? What is your opinion on suicide and on death itself? Death is an eternal mystery for mortals. Are you interested in this topic?
I wish to live to see my childrens children and to see them well and strong. Then I can rest. No I dont see myself ever doing this, its to easy and in a way cowardly. I am fascinated by the mystery of death,.....:Death is just the begining I believe. 

Now I forgive you and don’t bother you with my question anymore. How did you feel yourself while you answered to the interview?

As an ending to this discussion, tell us about your future plans with your hordes. What releases are coming and where will you play live?
Tour Europa in June 2016. Release Maledictvs digi pack In Rebellion with him by nature. Thornspawn Wrath of War re-release with bonus video. Thornspawn-Coronation of the Supreme Beast (full length). Tour South America again end of 2016. The rise of Goddess of Impurity Prod. BlackDeath Coven Records continuing to release the devils truth. Black Hell to release Athame II. 

Thank you for your answers and time, and that you increased the standards of my zine. HAIL FROM HUNGARY!     
Be hailed for the support and patience in receiving this interview my friend. Those that wish to contact me may find me at the following sites,

Interview by Dr. A.