Abysmal Grief (Ita) interview

Hail to you Regen Graves on the pages of Tales of the Morbid Butchers fanzine. If I know it well, you have visited Hungary with Abysmal Grief two times. I was also present on your latest ritual. It was one of the best shows of my life. You were performing your horror metal in the company of Lepra and Svoid. Can you remember that night? Any memorable story of that maybe? Were you satisifed with the organization of the gig?
Hi Attila. It’s a pleasure to answer your interview, so as it was a big pleasure for us to play in Budapest. We have strong memories about the times we played in Hungary, and in both the occasions we had a very good welcome by the fans and the organizations. We look forward to return there again during our next tour in 2018...

On the above discussed tour, Svoid accompanied you for several dates. How did you get along with them personally? How much are you a band into making friends, partying? What do you think about Svoid's art? Did you see Lepra's gig? 
They were cool guys playing a very good music, like Lepra as well, but we didn’t have enough time to talk or partying, as in those days we had to go to sleep quite early after every show, in order to be ready to leave in time the morning after. But we were all fascinated by their dead pigeon, and the lovely smell it was making after a couple of days. Deep respect for them.

Let's go back in time a bit. Abysmal Grief started in the mid '90s. For what aim? Your current line-up, consisting of four members, has been consistent since more or less you started. What is your secret? As far as I see, you have had some constant problems in the drummer's position. Why?
I started this musical project in order to develop my personal path into Occultism. Basically that’s all I wanted at that time: I was studying a lot of books and practices, and  music was (and still is) the only way I could really communicate with the people around me. Our classical line-up consisted basically of three members, while we kept having problems with drummers since the beginning because I also play and compose drums, and I never had good and stable relationships with drummers unless they don’t do what I want. That’s probably not nice to say, but it’s the truth.

Did you have a definite concept, musical genre since the beginning, or was it more instinctive?  What music did influence you? Any definite influence for what Abysmal Grief is as it is? Any influence outside of music?
Since when I was a child, I was influenced by every form of Art or Literature which was somehow connected with Death and the Beyond: no matter if comics, music, cinema, books, or any other stuff. And it influenced basically every aspect of my artistic development. I was naturally influenced by Rock music, but also by some classical or ritualistic form of musical expressions, and I put all this into the Abysmal Grief style, in a completely instinctive way and without thinking too much about.

Why did you choose this name for the band? Does it have any message, spiritual importance or anything like that? Or you chose it simply to reflect the world of the music and there should not be any deep explanation for it?
Honestly, I chose this name when I was around 14 or 15, so I didn’t give to it all the deep meanings that I can see now... I just found these two words on my English dictionary at school and they were fitting together very well, also describing perfectly my feelings at that time. I had this name long before I could even learn playing guitar, and fortunately I never regretted about. 

Have you been using stage paraphernalia since the beginning, or did the current stage image form during the years? It is very effective and suits the music well! In your opinion, does this thing fit to all kinds of music and is a stage image needed for every band? A lot of people think they're not interested in that, the point is that the music should tear off their faces. What do you think?
I think not every kind of music needs some particular stage scenography. If I go to a Punk concert, for example, (and I love Punk!) I would never expect to find something more than the musicians and their rage, that’s really enough and deeply satisfying! But when your music needs to take the listeners „somewhere else”, then a very detailed and focused scenography is what really makes the difference. I’ve been knowing this since the beginning, and even if in the past we were not so much a „live” band, we always worked hard to give the best show to our fans.

How many gigs do you play in a year? Do you accept every invitation? What countries have you played in so far? Are you willing to go on a tour with any type of band, or do you go alone and local bands join you on the gigs?
Usually we organize a tour when the moment is right, and we don’t think about how many concerts to do in a year. We experienced both going with other bands or travelling alone, and every time we had very positive eperiences, so there’s not a big difference. Besides, we travelled across Europe many times so far, but I must admit Eastern countries were always the best to us. I say this honestly, not just because I’m answering to you.

You have released several split materials with the likes of Tony Tears, Denial Of God, Runes Order and Epitaph. Do you decide which bands you would like to work with, or are labels offering these? Do you try to adapt yourself to the other band when doing a split? Denial Of God is a well-known band, but I have not heard about the other bands, could you present them in a few sentences?
We decide to collaborate with a band only when we feel a real spiritual connection, there’s no recommendation from labels or other people. First of all we must be fans of each other band, and share the same point of view about the basics of our music, concerning Death, Occultism and Philosophy. Then everyone can spread his message, without any attempt to adapt to each other: things come naturally.
You really never heard about Tony Tears, Epitaph or Runes Order??? Hey man, I think this is a very good occasion to take a listen, because they deserve it, and if you like the Italian Dark Sound you will definitely be astonished by their uniqueness.

I think it is important for bands to release split materials in the Underground, by this honouring and supporting other bands. What do you think of this? Do you deal with the Underground or you are simply playing your art and do not care about any community?
Honestly I care only about the bands that I like, and mostly they are old ones, like the bands we released the splits with. Today’s underground is literally too full, and too easy for everyone, so it lost a big charme, if compared with the past. I really don’t know how some bands could live on without the fucking Facebook, it’s something totally sick and it is ruining the real spirit of underground music.

You have put out four albums and several EPs and splits. What's the reason for that? Maybe the reason for the birth of such 1-2 song releases is that some event inspired the band and you are make a remembrance for that in such form?
No, I don’t think so. The truth is that we use to compose a large number of songs, and then we decide which one fits better on a album or onto something more particular. This is what happened in the past, and in the future we will continue releasing different kinds of format, according to the style of songs and their particular meaning in „that” particular moment. It’s a deeper way to deal with our creativity, and also definitely more amusing for us and our listeners.

Are the songs and albums born out of jamming or do one or two members bring definite ideas? Today, many bands send their musical ideas via the internet between members, but there are many who are more into regular rehearsing and their atmosphere! What can you tell us regarding this about Abysmal Grief?
We rehearse regularly 2 or 3 times a week. We like very much improvising and jamming, but basically I compose the 90% of my guitar riffs alone, and then me and Labes meet in the studio and work on the keyboards without the other members. Then, when the final structure of the song is ready, I take my time to write the lyrics, and only when the lyrics are complete we rehearse the song all together. This is how normally a song of Abysmal Grief is born and develops.

The mystery of funerals is a central theme for you. Please tell us more about this. Different cultures make different memorial service for their deceased ones. Is there any cult, the funeal ceremony of which caught you very much?
I follow the basic rule of Spiritism, which states that there are different level and passages of the Spirit. Following this principle, I am very attracted by every form of funeral ceremony, and obviously I don’t focus only on catholic ritualism, but I must admit that only this one can really represent the concept of fear and superstition of people, more than any other confessions. I am not making a compliment to the terrible catholic religion, of course, but this oppressive and sinister attitude really inspired us since chidren age, and consequently our musical allegory.

If somebody is not buried according to his/her faith, will there be no rest for him/her in the afterlife?  Maybe is he/she returning in some form?
This is a bullshit created by religions. Very stupid but at the same time very „cinematographic”: I don’t trust in something like that, because Death is the passage, and the ways don’t change according to the burial.

Is occultism a part of your life, or is it present only in the music? Please dicuss more thoroughly what it means to you. Are you following any teaching, what experiences, visions you have about this?
Occultism is first of all a Philosophy, and I would never waste time talking about it in my music unless I am more than deep into it. I can assure you that writing lyrics about Occultism and rituals in a serious way is very difficult, and takes you much bigger effords than talking about subjets as feelings, society or daily problems. That’s the reason why we try to turn our life into some kind of spiritual path, far from religion dogmas (of course!) but deeply influencing our behaviour and our relationships with others. And music is the best representation of our constant development, both as men and artists.

Do you think there are still groups that eat man flesh due to spiritual reasons?  This modern world does not tolerate that and tries to eradicate every ancient thing from today's society. What is the aim of this, in your opinion? 
I have no informations about it, sorry. But it is undeniable that every sort of religion or philosophy different from the christian\hebraic is not tolerated by those who rule this world. Talking about the aim would start a very long discussion about the world of today, including also politics and economy, and I’m pretty sure your readers are not interested to hear about it in this interview...

What does the inverted cross mean to you? What do you express, symbolize with it? 
We don’t use inverted crosses in any of our releases or on stage. I am not against the concept of the inverted cross, but we prefer tu use the normal crosses as a symbol of Death. That’s much more important for our musical Philosophy.

What is your opinion about grave desecrations?
My band is not in the condition to answer too deeper on this topic on the pages of a fanzine.

Italian porn movies are quite famous in which we can often see nuns. What can be the reason for this?
Really? I didn’t know this kind of porn were famous in your country, man! That’s quite funny however. I think the reason is probably the perversion concerning the „Holy”....and the desire to rape it. Somehow our music follows the same way.

What do you think of the activity of Vatican? In your opinion, why is pedophilism is so popular among priests?
The Vatican has been simply influencing the course of the history, manipulating the minds of poor people and forcing them to keep their state of weakness, in order to save the „order” imposed from above. And when it was not possible with persuasion, they had no problems to use any kind of violence. Pedophilism and dozens of other crimes were made in the name of corporal and moral self-punishment preached by catholicism, and they represent just an effect of how much the religion can disturb a mind. 

Is schizophrenia an illness invented by doctors to experiment on people, or is it a characteristics referring to a higher race?
I’m really not prepared in this topic, sorry.

Concerning the mood of Abysmal Grief, the question is obvious: what do you think of horror movies? What are the basics and favourites for you? I think you will agree with me in saying that most of today's horror movies are garbage. The attitude, the vision of film makers became different, the atmosphere and mood was killed, everything is about spectacle, nice women and luxurious cars.
I could tell you many favourites movies that more or less influenced my music and my lyrics, but yes, I agree completely with you about the lack of talent in today’s directors. Stories are no more original, and above all, the images and the atmospheres are no more inspired or „inspiring”. Directors as Fulci, Argento, Bava, Lenzi (just to mention the italian excellence) had the ability and the sensibility to enter very deep into the subconscious of people and almost override that limit between reality and imagination: this was their great and unique ability to instigate the „real” fear. The horror culture of today is much more oriented towards perversions, probably beause we are almost totally overwhelmed by an instinct of voyeurism and sickness still latent in the past period when the great horror cinematography was born and developed.

How much popular is today's Italian horror movie making? Are there any film makers keeping the heritage of the old masters? Any recommendation maybe?
Unfortunately not. The italian cinema in the last years (not only horror) is just awful. Really nothing to recommend, and nothing even far comparable to the great old directors.

In my opinion, a horror movie is mostly horror, grim due to its music. What do you think of this? With a happy music, any scene would not be shocking in effect. At least that's my opinion. 
Well, the soundtrack of a movie (Horror but not only!) must be first of all composed for that particular moment and scene: exactly like Goblin were composing their soundtracks working in team with the director Dario Argento, for example, or Hermann Kopp composing music for the masterpieces of Jorg Buttgereit. When music and images are cohordinated, it’s not important if the music turns out to be happy or scary: sometimes very impressive and hard scenes are accompained by happy or apparently stupid melodies, but the result can be anyway very remarkable and sick, and fit perfectly. And there’s no doubt that a good soundtrack improves the value of a movie.

There are many Abysmal Grief releases available on the internet. Do you find that important or is this a necessary bad thing? Before the internet era, everything was more exciting because you had to wait, search and sacrifice for the materials and now everything is in front of us. I do not say I oppose this but I do not support this either.  
Man, we are first of all a „vinyl” band, so you can easily imagine what we think about all that crap of Youtube, Facebook, Bandcamp or whatsoever. We don’t support it in any form, and I don’t like to see al my discography ripped on Youtube, but somehow I should also consider it as a form of devotion and mania from our fans, so on another side I should not complain too much. But I can promise you that we will NEVER create some kind of Facebook profile or Youtube channel to promote our music. We come from the demotapes era, and we still think in that way...

What are those Metal bands in your opinion that are able to express the real horror mood in an authentic way? What you think of Necrophagia's art? And Acid Witch? They are favourites of mine. What do you think of King Diamond?
King Diamond and Mercyful Fate are some kind of teacher for us, so what else should I say... I love Acid Witch and I consider them among the few bands who really share some kind of Horrorific visions like us, even if they express it in a different form compared by Abysmal Grief. But yes, for example I think a split with them would be something very cool to release!
With no doubt I like Necrophagia’s sick attitude as well, but I have got only a couple of albums from them, because I’m not so much into Death Metal.

How is Abysmal Grief received in Italy? Are you playing much in Italy? Are there any recurring festivals?
In the last 5 years we are finally reaping what we sown over many years of hard work and frustrations. Many people today try to get our attention, and it’s funny to spit in the face of some detractors from the past. Generally we like playing concerts, but only at our conditions and without accepting any compromise. Yes there are a lot of „festivals”, but promoters use to call many shows with this name only because they try to pile up more bands possible in one single evening, in order to amortize the costs for the headliners and trying to attract more people...with the result of delays, expensive tickets, and general disappointment of bands and audience.

Which one do you like better: a club concert or an open airt fest? Have you ever played during daylight hours?  I think it is a sin for such a band  to play at daylight.
Yes, I agree with you. We prefer little clubs more than festivals, and we would never play during the day! We prefer a more intimistic situation to spread our message and create our atmospheres, and I’m sure our fans think the same. 

There was a very nice 20-year anniversary release in 2016. What can we know about it? Whose idea was this release?
Yes, in November 2016 we had our 20th Anniversary, and I decided to celebrate it with a special box release including a cd collections of all our singles, a reprint of our 1999 rehearsal demotape „Mors Te Audit”, plus other items, in 100 handnumbered copies. It was sold out in nearly 15 days after the official announce from the label, so there was really no time for big promotion and resonance hehe... We are very satisfied from this release, because it was something for our old fans, basically, and they wasted no time to get it.

As I see you are releasing stuff in three formats. Is it because of the fans or are you also collectors?
We are fans of our favourite bands, first of all, and we prefer the vinyl releases, so it was quite natural for us to chose it as our main format. Tapes are also nice, but it’s a more recent decision, anyway we like tapes very much beause it was the main way to get more music when we were young and we had no money to buy discs from the shops!

Slowly we are approaching the end of our chat. How did yo feel while answering these questions? Did you listen to any music while doing it? Or maybe you opened a bottle of wine?
Hehe, no, I love wine but I’m not drinking while answering written interviews... In this moment I am just listening to „Cyborg” by Klaus Schulze. A masterpiece.

What are your plans for the future?
In these days we are rehearsing the songs for the new album, and we should sart the recording sessions before the summer, in order to have the album ready to be released before the end of the year. Then, in spring 2018, we will be on tour again, hopefully, and maybe we will return to Hungary.

Thanks for the answers, I hope to still see you in my country. I wish you all the best! You have the last. word!foranswers, I hope to see you in Hungary again! All the best. The last words are yours.
Thank you for this very long and ehaustive interview. Hope to return back to Hungary as well. In Death. R.G.

Interview by Dr. A.